rebirth: /rēˈbərTH/ the action of reappearing or starting to flourish or increase after a decline; revival

About Rebirth Conference
Rebirth Conference is a 1-day restorative event that offers community, hope, and holistic education for those healing and rebuilding after grief and loss.
Rebirth Conference participants:
Have their hope and faith stirred by hearing from powerful speakers and coaches on how to grieve healthily and rebuild a bold life after loss.
Receive practical teaching, resources, and tools from financial, mental health, and life-transformation experts.
Are inspired by live, soul-stirring, live music leaders.
Participate in interactive/reflective healing activities.
Engage in a supportive community of those who understand the impact of grief and how to thrive after loss.
Enjoy a delicious soul-food lunch in Chicago's West Loop.
Learn More about the history and transformational experience of Rebirth Conference!